Sunday 10 August 2014

Hamas Vs Israel

Stones Vs Tanks can hardly be seen as a 'war', more like shooting
fish in a barrel, who are gaffer taped to the bottom of the barrel
 I've seen a strange trend recently on twitter and all across the internet regarding the on-going Palestinian conflict, and it's quite concerning really for a number of reasons.

As far as I can see, especially with Nationalists, is that you are either in the 'Gaza camp', or the 'Israeli camp', the split down the middle is quite obvious and both sides are quite opposed to each other even though usually they might agree most things on most subject. For the record, I don't fall into either category per se. I'm not fond of Hamas and their instigation of violence, or their Islamic doctrine. I'm equally not fond of Israel's obsession with stealing every scrap of land that they can lay their hands on, nor am I particularly fond of Zionists in general really. What I do care about is innocent people who are packed in a heavily populated area like sardines and who are being bombed by a barbaric country who are well armed and backed by the most powerful country on Earth.

The truth of the matter is that Hamas and Israel are equally to blame for the bloodshed. Hamas wants war, and admittedly does appear to be using the death of innocents as an excuse to continue the fighting. Israel on the other hand doesn't need to be pouring petrol on the situation by legitimising Hamas' actions. If the Israeli's stopped treating Palestinians like animals, allowed free trade into the area and stopped provoking Hamas by building settlements everywhere they pleased, then maybe in a generation the violence will cease. All that dropping bombs on families will achieve is more radicalised young men with vengeance on their minds.

Bombs dropped in this way are like seeds of radicalisation.

The strangest things I've come across however is this idea that 'there is no such thing as an innocent Gazan'. The idea that a five year old child can guilty by association of someone they've never met who is firing RPG's a block away, is insulting as much as it shows the pro-Israeli's inhumanity. 

Guess this kid 'deserved' to have her head blown off,
all those young Muslim girls deserve to be killed
because of the religion she was born into....
Another thing cropping up that defenders of Muslims in Gaza seem to be getting, is that you are being accused of somehow being in league with ISIS too if you speak out against Israel. Apparently the fact that these are two entirely separate issues that are happening hundreds of miles apart is lost on them. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be writing an apologist article for Muslims, but here it is. I certainly never thought I'd accuse or even care that people are being bigoted against Muslims, but for the sake of kids being blown into pieces, yes, these Zionist mouth-pieces are second only to the Islamist's they claim to be nothing like. 

Funny how many of these pro-Israeli types fail to realise how exactly Israel gained its status as a sovereign nation in the first place, or how many terrorist acts it had to fulfil to get rid of Britain in the area which up until that point, was acting as peacemaker between the two communities... 

At this point it is tempting to go into the full details of what Zionism really is, and its ultimate military, cultural and economic dominance that it currently enjoys having in world politics at this moment, but this really isn't the time. Those who are unquestioning in Israel's holy than thou, shit won't stick image deserve to be mislead. 

Introducing Angelcynn Post

Introductions are always difficult to write, and with so many hundreds of thousands of blogs out there already, it seems an impossible task to appeal for readership these days.

That said, there are relatively few providers of information on matters specifically for the indigenous English population, and this is who this blog is for. For too long the English have been denied an existence in the eyes of the the media and mainstream politics, and the Angelcynn Post aims to highlight matters important to those indigenous English.

There are a number of goals for this blog, and for sake of whetting your appetite, I'd like to be able to share those goals with you.

First and foremost is the highlighting of important information. This might not necessarily be national news or directly effecting the English people, but as we live in an age of globalisation and connected markets, we must take a wide view of international and national goings-on if we are to have any real grasp on our individual situations.

Second is the promotion of, and celebration of our roots, our culture and most importantly the revival of that said culture and community. The English people will become a minority in their own country if current immigrant influxes and birthrates continue, and with an uninterested political class (some might argue complicit,) the only defence we have against future persecution and violence is by promoting an English community now. 

Another important knowledge we should all know, at the very least to pass onto future generations, is how we might survive in this world after some sort of financial or social collapse. The maths doesn't lie about our current economic predicament, national debt here in the United Kingdom, America and all across the developed world is at breaking point. Many experts predict the collapse of the dollar as an international standard within our life times, and if it does happen, it would likely provoke a hell of a lot of suffering. Survival skills then are an important gift to our children, as well as being an ideal way of getting out and enjoying what's left of the English countryside.

Spirituality is another integral part of any community or culture, England and much of the Western world has forgotten this aspect of our lives, and so this blog will be looking into England's ancestral 'pagan' religion as well as folklore and mythology which is quickly dying in a sterile atheist environment.

Finally, Angelcynn Post hopes to raise money and awareness for projects which benefit English folk as well as wildlife conservation and animal welfare charities. Our main charity we aim to support is The Steadfast Trust, which is the only English specific charity in existence at current. Concern for animal welfare and wildlife is an important aspect within our culture, and we should preserve all we have left for future generations.